With all of the negative that you hear in the world, we are Camp Co. like to focus on the positives. I have heard it many times, "I went to XYZ organization meeting and everyone there just talked about how it was in the glory days and no one wants to do anything." That statement is frustrating to hear, especially for those that are working hard to make an impact.
Since 2020 the Wilhelm Chapter of National Wild Turkey Federation has raised over $60,000 that's been put towards conservation and youth projects for Pennsylvania and the US. Wilhelm Chapter has donated year after year to youth trap teams in the Erie area as well as hosted youth mentored hunts. They adopted a 3 mile stretch of highway in Erie County that they keep clean with the PennDot adopt a highway program. Wilhelm also has big plans of some conservation projects in Erie County for the near future to help all wildlife.
The 2022-2023 Wild Turkey Conservation projects have positively impacted 1141 acres in Pennsylvania from early successional habitat management to scrub oak rejuvenation. During that time frame over $200,000 have been put back into habitat projects in Pennsylvania.
It takes a large effort from various parties to make these projects successful, so if you are in the area or want to learn how to help reach out to Brendan Oosterkamp via email: brendannwtf@gmail.com